
Monday, April 15, 2013

Radiant, his bride

I love weddings. During this month, Nan and I gave my sister Mary a wedding shower. We were so thrilled at the turn out. A comment from one of the guests, "it was a 'Pinterest-like' shower." Pinterest really was our source for all the ideas that went into the shower. It is so helpful to have! My hope is that Mary enjoyed herself and it was relaxing for her.

Nan preparing for the shower

Andrew, eating lunch before he and the other guys are kicked out of the house

The beautiful bride opening her many gifts

Molly, Mary and Grace. (Best friends since kindergarten)

Cousin Alain and Aunt Sarah

Mary holding Ela, Lauren, Claire, Nan, Mom holding Piper and me

 I've had a lot of fun helping Mary with preparations for the wedding. I've loved finding myself a bridesmaid dress and attending multiple showers in Mary's honor. I am thrilled for her. Having all this wedding stuff in our house gets me excited for the one to come in May but it also gets me anxious for my own. There is so much excitement involved, excitement building up as it leads to the big day.
 I can say I can't wait for my own but yet I can and still do. 
Being called to the mission field, I have a feeling I may be waiting even longer...who knows.

Lovable Claire!

Two gorgeous women!

There was no food left, a great sign!

Goofing off  instead of cleaning up

Props for He Said She Said

Bon Voyage!

Friends, Amy and Serina

Gigi holding Piper

 It was always my dream to marry pretty young and be a wife and mother. Letting go of those dreams isn't easy especially at this time. I've never been too set on getting a career, trying to 'impact the world.' I really think the simple yet hard things Christ has shown us, losing your life for Him, loving others as you would love yourself, pouring yourself out are the things that change this world. Marriage is meant to be just that. And it amazing, this example God left us. As much as I would love to marry my high school sweet heart after graduation it is evident God is leading us in different directions right now, to different countries in fact. A wedding will have to wait a long time. Being his own design, weddings are a clear reflection of our relationship with Christ. Knowing I have that already, helps calm me and provides for me the strength I need not to envy or to pity myself. In such gracious ways God has shown me his unending devotion, he has been the true love of my life. No effort of my own could have made this become a reality in my life, it is all Him. The beautiful design of marriage on earth just mirrors the remarkable marriage we have with Jesus Christ. I cherish this beautiful description from a book I read last year written by Sarah Mally. I love this for myself and I love this for Mary. In each way it is for all of us.

The relationship of man and wife and the relationship of Christ and his bride.
  1. Both relationships are permanent.

  2. Both are intimate.

  3. Both require waiting-waiting for a wedding, waiting for Christ's return.

  4. Both are based on love and commitment.

  5. In both, the two become one-husband and wife become one flesh; those who are saved become members of Christ's body (Eph. 5:29-31, John 17:21).

  6. Both are covenants and formed by vows Marriage- "I do" Salvation-"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus (Rom. 10:9)

  7. Both are exclusive. They are not shared by another-no adultery, no idolatry.

  8. Both have a starting moment. When you were born in the world, you were neither married nor saved. Marriage requires a ceremony; salvation requires a decision.

  9. Both relationships make us complete

  10. Both have a wedding/marriage supper-a wedding banquet on earth, the marriage supper of the Lamb in heaven (Rev. 19).

  11. Both are sealed with a sign-marriage with a ring, salvation with the Holy Spirit.

  12. Both have an authority structure, a head to the relationship to whom the other desires to submit-the wife submits to her husband as the believer submits to Christ.

  13. In both, even though there is an authority structure, the relationship is based on a friendship-" I have called you friends" (John 15:15)

  14. In both, the groom must leave his home. Christ left His Father in order to come to earth and win His bride. A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife (Eph.5:31)

  15. In both relationships, the head is the initiator.

  16. Both require a sacrificial love on the part of the head. A husband is commanded to love as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25)

  17. In both, the head is the provider and protector.

  18. In both, the husband prepares a residence-a man provides a home on earth, Christ provides a home in heaven.

  19. In both relationships, the bride becomes beautiful by a submissive spirit and inner qualities of godliness (I Peter 3:1-6)

  20. In both, the bride's exclusive desire is to please and serve her head.

  21. In both, the bride becomes radiant with joy

  22. Both relationships grow sweeter with time.

  23. In both relationships, each owns the other. "I an my beloved 's and my beloved is mine" (Song of Sol. 6:3, I Cor. 7:4)

  24. In both relationships, each fills the other's heart (Psalm 139:17, Col. 1 :27)

  25. Both relationships provide a "satisfaction" that can be found nowhere else. We are satisfied by a relationship with God and by being in His presence. Likewise, we are satisfied by our spouse, even just by being in their presence.
"While we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." -Tit. 2:13